Cade Museum

Branding • Identity • Environmental Advertising • Print Design • Marketing • Exhibit Design

As the Graphic Design Coordinator for the Cade Museum, my work spans multiple mediums, each tailored to engage and inspire the museum's diverse audience.

This includes brochures, flyers, billboards, educational resources, a permanent art installation, kiosk and build graphics, slides, and marketing materials.

Illustrator • InDesign • Photoshop


logo design & Branding

Logo Design & Branding: Playing with Sound

Logo Design & Branding Ebb & Flow Theme

Logo Design Turning Tides Theme

Logo Design Regrow As We Go Exhibit

Logo Design Music & The Mind Exhibit

Cade Prize 2023 Branding


Kiosks and window Clings

Ebb and Flow Introductory Kiosk

Creativity Lab Cling

Imagination in Motion Intro Kiosk

Creativity Lab Cling

Creativity Lab Cling


Exhibit collateral: Tom Petty - among the wildflowers

Brochure Front

Digital Exhibit Introductory Panel

“You Belong Somewhere You Feel Free” Button

Brochure Inside

Activity Signage


Interactive Build graphics & Activity Signage

Desalination Station Graphics & Signage

Desalination Station details

Nitro Cycle Front Game Graphics

Nitro Cycle Back Informational Graphics

Eat the Rainbow Activity Graphics & Signage


Permanent Art Installation

The information taught in the museum is based on the Cade’s Pillars of Science. These eight science concepts are represented here on glass panels housed in the museum’s Creativity Lab.

From left to right: Waves, Energy, Matter, Forces and Motion, Informational Panel, Earth and Space, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Design